Worship Services

  • Said Mass

    Sundays, 8:00 a.m.

    A reverent and simple worship service taken from the ACNA Book of Common Prayer 2019 with no music.

  • Contemporary Mass

    Sundays, 9:00 a.m.

    A chanted liturgy accompanied by choral hymns, pipe organ, and worship music led by guitar.

    Nursery is available.

  • High Mass

    Sundays, 11:15 a.m.

    Our most traditional Mass with a chanted liturgy, choral hymns and pipe organ, and incense.

Holy Communion

Each week, we participate in the grace and joy of Holy Communion.

All who are baptized by water in the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, believe that Jesus is really present in the bread and wine, and have prepared their hearts through confession and repentance are welcome to receive at His Table.

Once kneeling at the altar rail, simply present your hands to the Priest and the Host will be placed in your hand. If you need a gluten free host, please tell the Priest and one will be provided for you. To receive the wine, when the chalice is presented to you, gently guide it to your mouth and take a small sip. If you would like to come forward to receive a blessing instead, please cross your arms across your chest to signal to the Priest. If you desire neither, please remain in your seat in quiet meditation and prayer.