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“Death After Dinner”

Join us for our Lenten Series “Death After Dinner”

Dying is the culmination of a Christian life. It is important for us all to prepare for the journey well ahead of time. Death is with us daily, even as new life greets us in its wake. For each of us there will come a time to die “once for all” (Hebrews 9:27) and in that dying lies the possibility of new life. The manner in which we journey from this life to the next is very important. Death after Dinner will explore topics to help with that process.

The evening begins with Stations of the Cross at 5 pm, Mass at 5:30 and then a Lenten Soup Supper in the Parish Hall followed by the presentation. This week will be Fr. Maneikis, Larry Bailey, and Desha Hyde - Caring for the dying physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

March 18

Rummage Sale

March 25

Tarrant Area Food Bank Distribution Day